

Working on a team image

Executive Management Team

staff member

Silvia Aquirre


CEO and Founder of Tax CSA

After a distinguished 20-year tenure at Avalara, where she co-developed the leading tool in exemption tax certificates, CertCapture, Silvia Aguirre decided to branch out on her own. She founded Tax CSA, leveraging her deep expertise to create a company that further innovates in the field of tax compliance. At Tax CSA, Silvia continues to drive advancements in exemption tax processes, embodying her commitment to enhancing efficiency and accuracy for businesses dealing with complex tax regulations. Her entrepreneurial spirit and profound knowledge make Tax CSA a promising new player in the tax compliance sector.

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Silvia Aquirre

CEO and Founder of Tax CSA

staff member

Angel Person


VP of Customer Success

After an impactful 11-year tenure at Avalara as a Senior Customer Account Manager, Angel Person excelled in managing B2B territories and building deep relationships with clients. She consistently achieved over 100% of her quota each year and drove growth through upsell and cross-sell opportunities. Angel ensured customer satisfaction by addressing questions and concerns, providing both technical and non-technical support. Her extensive experience in customer advocacy and process improvement now fuels her contributions to Tax CSA, where she continues to enhance customer relationships and drive business growth.

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Angel Person

VP of Customer Success

staff member

Kristin Terdik


VP of Sales & Partnerships

Kristin Terdik spent over 7 years at Avalara as the Director of Sales for CertCapture, leading the SaaS solution for enterprise businesses. She helped companies reduce costs, improve compliance, and decrease risk through process automation. Kristin consistently exceeded her quotas, achieving over 100% each year and earning multiple awards, including Top SaaS Producer and Top Dog. At Tax CSA, Kristin leverages her extensive experience and proven track record to drive sales and enhance compliance solutions, continuing her commitment to excellence in tax compliance.

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Kristin Terdik

VP of Sales & Partnerships


Request A Consultation
Email us at kristin.terdik@taxcsa.com
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